domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

A tale of two cities


Critical situation of unemployed workers in Preston.
  1. _________________________________
  2. More than 10,000 people are unemployed, situation expected to get worse.
  3. Opinions about the causes of crisis in Preston
  1. Laid off after 30 years
  1. Looking for a job for 18 months
  1. Difficult to get job interviews
  1. Lay off of 1,800 workers
  1. Public demand of work by a school-leaver
  1. Violence if Tories win next elections.
  1. Desperate advertisement
  1. Bad managements on the docks.
  1. Lack of modern equipment
  1. Thatcher’s monetary policies.
No political repercussions yet.
  1. __________________________________________________________________
  1. Unemployed begin to take a political attitude
  1. Similar income between employed and unemployed.
Unemployment at Liege.
  1. _____________________________________________________________
  2. ______ Psychological problems are greater _________________________________
  3. Violence in Liege
  1. Unemployment  offices in public buildings
  1. You can’t find a job.
  1. Registrating at different hours
  1. Inactivity affects workers
  1. Steelworkers attack police
  1. Use of tear gas by police
  1. 180 people injured
  1. Workers’ complaints

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